The rock was formed over three hundred and seventy million years ago and is a result of beds of sediment which were periodically separated by a thin layer of volcanic dust. It can be split to precise thicknesses which gives Caithness its distinctive and unique light riven finish.
Caithness is the perfect choice for Paving, Setts and Bespoke applications. Supplied in various widths and usually random lengths, we have developed four distinctive colour ranges within this one material.
BBS is proud to have the only Supply Chain Agreement with A & D Sutherland, owner of Spittal Main Quarry since 1966. We are the largest supplier of Caithness Flagstone in the UK.
With an unlimited natural resource and a production capacity to meet any demand, Caithness is a proven guaranteed material for any Hard Landscaping project throughout the UK.
We are delighted to announce a new Caithness range exclusive to BBS, available as a standard sett or plank paving. Caithness natural stone paving offers unrivalled technical performance whilst maintaining the environmental benefits of utilising an indigenous material.